With Michiganders stuck at home, songwriters have the time and the perfect opportunity to comment on the coronavirus crisis musically. We want to hear those songs.

‘The Toilet Paper Song’: Illinois songwriter George Kershaw came up with this one.
Orders to stay at home.
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West Michigan's music scene
Constant reminders to wash your hands and keep your social distance from other human beings.
Panicked people hoarding toilet paper.
The new self-quarantined society created by the coronavirus pandemic has turned our world upside down — and inspired plenty of songwriters to churn out funny parodies as well as serious reflections on this crisis.
And lots of of people are listening. Indeed, Local Spins’ compilation of “The Top 10 coronavirus parodies” drew more traffic than any other post by far over the past week. Guess we’re in serious need of witty entertainment. Check out the videos here.
But we also know that Michigan artists are as talented as any, so Local Spins is putting out a call for songs inspired by the COVID-19 crisis and written by Michiganders — or their own spoof/parodies of popular songs. Of course, we’d love to see humorous tunes that lift our spirits with a laugh, but all songs sparked by the difficulties we’re experiencing are eligible.
If you’re a Michigan musician/songwriter, email videos or links to videos of songs you’ve created to john@localspins.com by 3 p.m. Monday (March 30) and we’ll post the best of them at Local Spins next week. Make sure you include where you’re from in the Great Lakes State.
We’ll also pick one entrant to win a Local Spins gift package that includes a dandy new beanie as well as other merch. And we’ll make a donation to the charity, venue or cause chosen by the winner.
For inspiration, we’ve included a few more videos of spoof songs — including one that’s filled with profanity but is exceptionally funny.
And remember: Wash your hands, keep your distance and stay safe.
VIDEO: George Kershaw, “The Toilet Paper Song”
VIDEO: “Stayin’ Inside” (Sympholily take on “Stayin’ Alive”)
Copyright 2020, Spins on Music LLC