Starting today, listen to free-wheeling podcasts in which two veterans from different sides of West Michigan’s music scene — Ralston Bowles and John Sinkevics — chat about anything and everything music-related. Sign up via iTunes and never miss an episode.

RSVP or Maybe Just B.S. (Bowles-Sink): Ralston Bowles and John Sinkevics get chatty about all things music. (Photo/Anthony Norkus)
Iconic West Michigan singer-songwriter Ralston Bowles and I have long talked, debated, grumbled, philosophized and argued about music: all the ups and downs and ins and outs of a scene that’s at once inspiring, humbling, arduous, enlightening and occasionally aggravating — for fans and musicians alike.
We also long discussed the idea of formalizing and documenting these free-wheeling chats via podcast, encouraged mostly by my daughter, Anna, who has insisted that some folks might actually get a kick out of our somehow entertaining rambling discussions and sometimes pointless verbal meandering.
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West Michigan's music scene
I’m not so sure about that, but it’s worth a shot — especially because we’re encouraging folks to get involved by suggesting topics for discussion or letting us know when we’re on target or off base. Heck, that’s always a good launching point for more prattle, chatter and babble. Just email me at You can sign up for all Local Spins podcasts via iTunes so you never miss an episode.
(We also plan to eventually conduct our podcasts at different West Michigan locations and venues, and are seeking sponsors/advertisers for RSVP Music Chat to keep it rolling. Contact for details.)
That introduction aside, check out our very first episode where we tackle — and question — a hot and controversial subject at this time of year: concert etiquette.
RSVP Music Chat: Podcast No. 1
Copyright 2017, Spins on Music LLC