Take 3 of Ralston & Sink’s Virtual Podcast burrows into the thorny thicket of musicians pontificating on politics via social media and in their music. Hear what our resident RSVP Music Chatters have to say on the subject and pipe in with your own comments.

Rocking Politics? Kid Rock’s recent show at Van Andel Arena had the look of an unconventional political rally. But how far should musicians go down that rocky road? (Photo/Anthony Norkus)
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The notion of mixing politics and music has a long tradition — and is fraught with potential pitfalls, too, especially in the age of instantaneous social media reaction via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more.
This week’s RSVP Music Chat featuring Grand Rapids musician Ralston Bowles and Local Spins publisher John Sinkevics was inspired by a voicemail comment left with RSVP by Jairimi Driesenga of the Holland band Brother Adams.
It’s a timely topic considering the current turbulent political climate, ranging from President Trump’s Tweets to Kid Rock’s political posturing to the intrinsic need of many musicians to express their social activism through their art. Listen in. (By the way, you can sign up for all Local Spins podcasts via iTunes and never miss an episode.)
RSVP MUSIC CHAT: Episode No. 3
Leave a voicemail comment here and you could be part of the next RSVP Music Chat: https://localspins.com/test-speakpipe/
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