The New Moon Songwriting Challenge requires video entries of new songs to involve co-writes with other artists. The contest kicks off April 1. Get the details at Local Spins.

All Genres, All Ages: But the New Moon Songwriting Challenge requires entries to be co-writes. (Photo/Local Spins)
Attention songwriters: If you’re partnering with other tunesmiths to create new music, the “New Moon Songwriting Challenge” may be right up your alley.
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Between April 1 and April 30, artists can enter songs that they’ve co-written with other musicians in this inaugural competition, with the grand prize winner getting studio time, photo and video sessions and business consulting advice from the West Michigan sponsors of the contest.
The New Moon Songwriting Challenge is open to songwriters of all ages and those representing all genres.

New Moon Sponsors: Clockwise from upper left, Lively, Jamgotch, Hudson-Prenkert, Whitaker. (Courtesy Photos)
Organized by Sounds of the Zoo, Crooked Tree Creative, photographer Chelsea Whitaker and Electric Moon Studios, the first-ever competition is designed to “get local artists’ work in front of a manager, agent, festival director and other artists, but also an excuse to create something new with another artist.”
The idea, said Elle Lively, of Crooked Tree Creative, is to “bring artists together who choose to participate in something a little different.”
Starting April 1, songwriters can enter an unreleased, original and co-written song by recording a video of their performance of the tune and posting it on Instagram with the #newmoonsong hashtag, and tagging @crookedtreecreative, @electricmoonstudiosgr, @soundsofthezoo and @chelseawhitakerphotography. Entrants must follow all four of those Instagram accounts.
The contest ends at midnight April 30, with only one entry per artist allowed. Each entry must be a collaboration between two or more artists.
The sponsors will choose grand prize and runner-up winners by May 7. The grand prize winner will receive a session to record the winning song at Ryan Jamgotch’s Electric Moon Studios in Grand Rapids, a promotional photo shoot with Chelsea Whitaker Photography, a video session at Dogtown Studio in Grand Rapids, a showcase opportunity with Kalamazoo’s Sounds of the Zoo, led by Jennifer Hudson-Prenkert, and a music business consulting session with Crooked Tree Creative.
The runner-up will receive an Electric Moon recording session, artist development consultation and a promo photo shoot.
All of those who enter the challenge will have their songs featured in a social media post and receive a 10-percent discount on services from selected sponsors.
Lively said those entering the contest can reside anywhere, but all of the services provided to winners are based in Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo, “so they must be willing to travel if they want to use them.”
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